Office Communicator Windows 10

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  1. What Is Microsoft Communicator
  2. Microsoft Communicator Download
  3. Microsoft Office Communicator App

Avaya Communicator is a user softphone application which allows the user to make and answer their calls from a range of telephone devices. Avaya Communicator client software is available Windows and iPad devices. An addition version, Avaya Communicator for Web, is supported through Google Chrome, is not covered by this documentation. Download Microsoft Office Communicator free. Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 is a unified communications client.

We can launch office communicator from Run window using the command communicator. However this command does not work from command line as the install path of office communicator is not found in the standard path pointed by PATH environment variable. The default installation path for communicator is [systemdrive]:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Communicator. If OS is installed is on C: drive then the installation path is C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Communicator.

So to launch communicator from windows command line we need to use start command which automatically finds the path of communicator and launches it.

Alternatively we can launch communicator by specifying the complete path of communicator.exe

If you are running X86 version on 64bit computer, the executable is in a different folder.

Below listed are few tips on how to change communicator settings from command prompt.

If you do not want communicator to auto start immediately after you login to the system, you can disable this from command line using the below command.

Microsoft office communicator 2013 downloadOffice Communicator Windows 10

Reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommunicator /v AutoRunWhenLogonToWindows /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Or if you want communicator to start but not to display the main window immediately after login you can do it by executing the below given registry change command.

Reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommunicator /v AutoOpenMainWindowWhenStartup /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

What Is Microsoft Communicator

Find the version of the communicator running on the system


Uninstall Office Communicator

You can try the below command to uninstall Office communicator.

For example, if you have Office communicator 2007 the command should be:

Microsoft Communicator Download

The command does not need any user interaction. In Vista and Windows 7, it should be run from elevated administrator command prompt.
You can get the complete version name by running the below command.

Microsoft Office Communicator App

Check for communicator in the list printed by the above command.
Also, you can run it as a domain user, I tried this on my computer as a domain user(who is in the local administrators group)