Business Process Reengineering Software

Today, technology is changing at rapid pace, and enterprises are increasingly facing the challenges of aging applications, which are essential for the organizations but at the same time prove to be a nightmare for IT Developers and maintenance engineers. Since these legacy applications carry years of accumulated experience and knowledge, it is, therefore, unwise to discard them before building new state-of-the-art applications to leverage current technologies. Thus, for maximizing value, application re-engineering is being increasingly embraced by organizations worldwide today.

Raybiztech’s Application Re-engineering services assist you to rethink and redesign how your current application meets its strategic objectives. We emphasize on innovation, flexibility, quality deliverables, and cost control by re-engineering functional modules and supporting processes using state-of-the-art Application Re-engineering Methodologies.

In response, business process reengineering (BPR) is experiencing a modern resurgence. While applying BPR methodologies can improve processes dramatically, you’ll still face plenty of. Business Process Reengineering In Software Engineering (Redirected from Business process reengineering) May 20, 2014 The concept of business process reengineering (BPR) is to rethink and break down existing business processes. This allows a company to reduce costs and improve productivity through newer, more efficient processes.

Business Process Reengineering Software Development

Our Application re-engineering services address enterprises’ need to leverage newer technology platforms, frameworks, and software products to transform their aging IT systems and applications.

Our services help to:

  • Scale up to handle a larger user base
  • Effectively address operational or performance issues
  • Achieve a higher degree of maintainability
  • Alleviate licensing and support issues with the older technologies
  • Improve user friendliness and portability of applications
  • Reduce costs associated with maintaining old and poorly documented legacy system

At Raybiztech, we have developed special skills in Application re-engineering through our own proven methods and experience. Our extensive experience and R&D strengths provide tool-based processes to achieve relatively painless re-engineering of applications and help organizations reach their objectives efficiently and effectively.


Raybiztech can rapidly and effectively re-engineer your legacy software applications to contemporary platforms with optimized architectures, simultaneously retaining or enhancing the value of those applications. We bring together our proven processes, technology expertise and tools to re-engineer your software applications to modern technologies such as .NET and J2EE.

Our global development centers have software programming teams with proven expertise in modifying or extracting business logic from legacy systems. Raybiztech's matured development processes, proprietary methodologies, flexible global delivery model, and stringent quality management systems minimize project development cost; reduce time-to-market and ensure highest quality for our clients. Our best practices in application re-engineering along with proprietary tools deliver optimized and cost-effective projects as solutions.

Some of the benefits that enterprises can reap from our experience are as follows:

  • Proven processes, technology expertise and tools to re-engineer your applications to modern technologies such as .NET, J2EE, UNIX and Linux
  • Rapid action and effective re-engineering on your legacy applications to contemporary platforms with optimized architectures, simultaneously retaining or enhancing the value in the applications
  • Proven expertise in modifying or extracting business logic from legacy systems. We follow a structural approach where we analyze your legacy applications, dig out the business rules, employ the latest tools and development techniques and transform your legacy systems into contemporary applications
  • Greater flexibility to respond quickly to market changes with scalable platforms, reduction in cost spent on out of control legacy systems and reduced total cost of ownership

Our offerings for re-engineering are as follows:


We assess existing legacy systems to formulate a re-engineering roadmap which aligns the selection of the proposed IT solution to the organization's business vision and needs and also maximizes ROI realization. Assessment includes recommending or deciding on the appropriate business and technical target architecture, evaluating build or buy opportunities, and choosing between one time and incremental system reengineering.

Language Upgradation

We leverage upon tool-based automated conversions for reengineering legacy languages into modern technologies to accommodate changing business needs.

User Interface Conversion

Raybiztech can re-engineer user interfaces for enhancing usability, from look & feel enhancements to rewriting & re-designing interfaces among different technologies.

Database Changes

We use proprietary tools and processes for reengineering databases which produces an improved version of a legacy database according to definite criteria (correctness, freeing from obsolete constructs, normalization, optimization, distribution, using modern technologies, etc.). We use utilities, which apply the prescribed design changes to snapshots of production databases so that the new data-model/database is quickly and easily constructed for on-site testing and implementation.

What Is Business Process Reengineering

Technology Upgradation

Technology upgrade presents an ideal opportunity for analyzing and improving processes in an organization. Raybiztech's technology upgradation methodology examines key business process areas to identify high ROI changes. The approach also ensures minimum customization by exploiting existing processes that have been implemented in applications.

Our reengineering methodology uses a unique process of mock changes to simulate processes, views, and screens in order to test run the validity and necessity of the reengineering. This ensures clear metrics for reengineering justification and also ensures testing of applications before actual reengineering and global rollout.

Have you noticed how many buzzwords are part of our daily vocabulary? Buzzwords like out-of-pocket, deep dive, circle back and outside the box. I use and hear these and others like them all the time. One buzzword that seems to be making a comeback is Business Process Reengineering (BPR).

What is BPR?

There are many definitions out there, but Bain & Company has produced some great work on this subject- BPR involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, cycle times and quality. In Business Process Reengineering, companies rethink existing processes to deliver more value to the customer. They typically adopt a new value system that places increased emphasis on customer needs. Companies reduce organizational layers and eliminate unproductive activities in two key areas.

  1. Redesign functional organizations into cross-functional teams.
  2. Use technology to improve data dissemination and decision making.

There is an extreme view that ACC does not hold to:

  1. Obliterate what you have now and start from scratch.
  2. Transform every aspect of your organization.

We don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Transformation, yes, not Turmoil. Starting over can sometimes be necessary, but in most cases we can keep some of the excellent business processes already in place and focus our attention to bottle necks and data redundancies to name a few.

How can ACC help?

Quicken 2010 user guide download. Download ringtones to android phone leading download free. We work with companies who are at the crossroads in their businesses.

  1. Have outgrown their internal processes and therefore can’t continue growing.
  2. Are losing customers over lost or delayed orders.
  3. Can’t compete with their competitors due to archaic business practices.

Our approach

We listen and do more listening.

  1. Your story and values
  2. Understand your challenges
  3. Your company goals.

We help unshackle your business by offering over 20 years’ experience recommending and implementing new business processes.

The Benefits

  1. Increase Effectiveness.
  2. Reduces cost.
  3. Improvement in organizational approach.
  4. Growth of business!

We would love to have an initial conversation with you about what ACC can do for your company. Please contact us at 856-335-1010 X114. Many businesses can no longer afford to stay the same, doing it the old way, how long are you going to wait?