Install Weblogic 12c On Windows

  1. Install Weblogic On Windows
  2. Install Weblogic 12c
  3. Install Weblogic 12c On Windows Operating System
  4. Install Weblogic 12c On Windows 7
  5. How To Install Weblogic 12c On Windows

This is pretty much identical to a WebLogic 11g installation, but I decided to post separately as this includes details of the PSU appropriate to this WebLogic 12.1.1 installation, a potential gotcha with the H675 patch, and I’m using Oracle JDK 7.

WebLogic 12c ( Installation on Windows Step by Step Softwares Required to install WebLogic Server: 1. Jdk-8u121-windows-x64.exe (for development) or jrockit-jdk1.6.045-R28.2.7-4.1.0-windows-x64.exe (for production). Installing Oracle Weblogic Server on Windows 7 64 Bit. Installing Oracle 12c Weblogic Server(Infrastructure) on Windows 7 64 Bit. Software used for this Installation. Jdk-8u72-windows-x64.exe you can also use Jdk-8u71-windows-x64.exe 64 Bit.

How to install weblogic 12c on windows

I’m assuming here that the “oracle” user, groups etc. have already been created here. If not, take a look at “Create oracle user and groups” under my Linux installation post here.

I’m using the WebLogic 12gR1 generic package installer (used for all 64-bit JVM installs) to do this installation on Linux 6.4, with Oracle JDK 7 (u21). If you’re using a 32-bit package installer, this will already contain the appropriate JDK.

Oracle JDK 7 install

To install Oracle JDK 7, download the latest version for Linux x86-64 here and then install the RPM as root:

NOTE: I tried using WGET to fetch the file, but Oracle want you to accept the license terms before downloading. Supplying a single cookie header with the WGET command failed to work for me too 🙁

Now logged in as oracle again, set your environment and make sure Java is referencing the new JDK path:

Before you start the install, it’s worth pointing out that I had issues with the GUI when using X-Sessions from my Windows machine via Xming and PuTTY. It looks like a Java 7 specific issue (as I tried other versions, and Java 6 worked OK), but occasionally the GUI wouldn’t let me type or select things at certain stages. If I ran the installer from the Linux machine directly, or via VNC, it worked as expected though.

Start the WebLogic install

You can download the wls1211_generic.jar file here.

Start up the installer:


NOTE: You need to use the -d64 flag above when using 32/64-bit hybrid JDKs, but I specify it just in case here 😉

Once the GUI starts, respond as follows:

  • Welcome
    • Next
  • Choose Middleware Home Directory
    • Create a new Middleware Home
    • Middleware Home Directory: /u01/app/oracle/middleware
    • Next
    • Accept the warning about the directory not being empty, click Yes
  • Register for Security Updates
    • Uncheck ‘I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support’
    • Confirm you wish to bypass this, click Yes
      • There is a known bug within the installer at this stage. If you get caught in a loop where you cannot bypass this, leave the box ticked and click Yes and Yes again.
      • When the ‘Connection failed’ dialog appears, tick the ‘I wish to remain uninformed…’ box, then Continue and you should then make it to the next screen!
    • Next
  • Choose Install Type
    • Custom
    • Next
  • Choose Products and Components
    • Untick the ‘Oracle Coherence’ option (unless you plan to use it)
    • Next
  • JDK Selection
    • Local JDK: Oracle 1.7.0_21 (your Oracle JDK 7 installation)
    • Next
  • Choose Product Installation Directories
    • WebLogic Server: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/wls_12.1.1
    • Next
  • Installation Summary
    • Next to install
  • Installation Complete
    • Once the installation has finished, remove the tick next to ‘Run Quickstart’
    • Done

Patch H675 fails to install

If during the installation, you use a Middleware Home (/u01/app/oracle/middleware) which contains an existing WebLogic Home (11g perhaps), then you may hit this error towards the end of the installation:

Just click OK and after the installation has completed, you can either apply the latest PSU mentioned below (which contains this patch), or download patch 13340309 from MOS (currently listed as patch ID ‘TAYS’ as opposed to ‘H675’) and reapply it that way.

Create an environment file with the following (USER_MEM_ARGS parameter is required for Java 7):

Set your environment:

Copy the following JAR files as root (as stated in the Using WebLogic Server with JDK 7 document):

Apply the latest WebLogic PSU ( – optional

Patch ID: YJCB
Patch No: 16083652

Download the patch from MOS (no OPatch utility required).

Unzip the patch to the cache_dir directory:

Install the patch using the Smart Update command utility:

…at this point, if you get any patch “mutually exclusive” conflict like I did, take a look at this post.

Restart any WebLogic servers that are running to pick up the PSU changes.

Check the PSU version:

That’s it, WebLogic is installed and patched up-to-date, ready for creation of your domain(s).

Related posts:
Creating a Domain in WebLogic 11g or 12c
Creating a Clustered Domain in WebLogic 11g

In this blog post, you will be guided through the steps to install oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional. I have included images of the step by step tutorial to install oracle Database 12c.

Steps to Install Oracle 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Step 1: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

First Go to Oracle Website and choose the Downloads Option and then Select Oracle Database.

Step 2: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Now accept the license agreement and go to the oracle database 12c release 1 section.

Here, as you can see all the available edition of oracle 12c is listed. Choose the one which best suits your programming needs. For the purpose of this tutorial I will select the oracle database 12c Standard Edition.

Step 3: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Download the files from the first option Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

We will install oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional. We have to download these two files and you can download these files either directly by clicking on their name or by selecting See All Link. I will choose the latter option.

Step 4: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Once you click that See All link, you will be taken to Oracle Database 12c Download page. Once again review and accept the OTN License agreement and download these 2 files from the Oracle Database 12c Release 1 for the purpose of installation.

Step 5: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

To download these files, you will need to sign in to the oracle website. If you have a valid account on this website, then it’s well and good otherwise you can register yourself here and create an Oracle user account which is completely free of cost. After filling in the username and password, as soon as you hit the sign-in option, the file will start downloading automatically.

Step 6: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Once the Download is completed, got to your Downloads folder. Here you should see two zip files downloaded. As you can see the content of both these files are compressed and zipped thus we need to first extract their content.

Let’s start with the first file. Here we are now let’s rename this extracted folder from Database to Database 1. Let’s do the same with our second file. Ok again let’s rename this folder from Database to Database 2.

Right Click > Choose Extract Here

Rename folder database to database 1

Right Click > Choose Extract Here

Rename folder database to database 2

Step 7: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Next go to folder database 2 and then go to this folder Stage then go to the directory components. And copy all the directories from this components’ folder. Press CTRL + A to select all and CTRL + C to copy.

Now we have to come back to our folder database 1 and here it is inside this you have folder Stage, go to it and then go to the folder Components and here paste all those files which we copied earlier.

That’s it. Now we are all set to start the setup and install Oracle Database 12c on our windows 10.

Step 8: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Go to database 1 folder and Right-Click on setup.exe and Run as administrator. Accept the warning and this will start your Oracle Universal Installer.

Step 9: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

On the First Screen you need to provide your email address if you want to receive all the notifications and news alerts from oracle. If you do not want it then simply leave these fields empty and move to next. Accept this warning as it’s just reminding you that you didn’t provide the email id, avoid it and move ahead.

Step 10: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Software Updates – On this step you have options for installing updates to oracle database 12c if you have oracle database credentials then choose the first option fill up the login form and download the updates. Or if you already have downloaded the updates on your system then choose the 2nd option specify the file location and install the updates. The 3rd option will let you proceed ahead without installing any updates. This is the one that we are going to do now as we just downloaded fresh and updated copy of oracle 12c software.

Step 11: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Installation Option – On this screen you will be presented with 3 different installation options. You can choose any of them according to your needs. In my case I want to install Oracle server software and want to create a database also. Thus I will choose the first option.

**Important – If you choose the second option then only oracle server will be installed and no database will be created. You can create a database after the installation of oracle server using DBCA. You can choose the 3rd option if you want to perform the upgrade of the database and software. But I will choose the first option and will hit next and move ahead.

Step 12: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

System Class – On this screen you have to choose between Server Class and Desktop class. If you are installing this oracle database 12c on your laptop or desktop, then select the first option which is Desktop class. If you are installing oracle 12c on a server which is capable enough to handle the load of all the server components and processes, then choose the 2nd option which is Server class.

In my case I am installing Oracle database 12c on a windows 10 professional which is installed on my laptop thus I will choose the first option and hit next.

Step 13: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Oracle Home User Selection – Till now the installation was pretty similar

to the installation of oracle 10g and 11g but here we have a different step. In this step we need to select or create a windows user account for oracle database 12c. This account must be standard or say limited account not the administrative one. As you can see we are provided with 3 options. 1st option will let us use existing windows standard

user if you have any. Using 2nd option we can create a standard windows user which will be later assigned as oracle home. 3rd option will help us in choosing oracle home from the windows built in default users. We will go with the 2nd option and create a windows standard user and use it as my oracle home. Here we will name our oracle home user and will give it a valid password. You can name your windows user whatever you want. Hit next and move to the next step.

Step 14: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Typical Installation – Here in this step you can configure the basic settings of your database for example using first 3 text fields you can set the Oracle base location, Software location which will

be your Oracle Home and Database file location which will be the location where oracle server will store all your important files such as data files, control files and redo logs.

**Important – Be careful while setting them. I am good with default locations thus won’t change them. Using Database edition drop down list you can choose which database version you want to install. In my case it’s the enterprise edition.

Next is Character set will be set on default as I am good with it but if you want you can change it. The Next field is Global database name which will be the name of your database also server as your database SID. You will need this while making connection with your database using tools such as SQL Developer.

Install Weblogic 12c On Windows

By default it is set as orcl. If you want you can change it and give any other name, but make sure to remember it. I suggest you to write it down somewhere as your Database SID. In the next two fields you have to give the password. This will be the password of your Administrative users such as sys or system.

Ok be careful here, write it down somewhere or remember it. This will be the password for your sys user or system user.

Let’s fill it up and make sure to check the Create as Container database checkbox. This option creates our database as container database that can support maximum up to 252 pluggable databases. Next is Pluggable database name. Here you have to specify a unique name for your pluggable database for this demonstration I am good with the default name which is pdborcl. So let’s hit next Don’t worry about this warning – it is just saying that the password which we just entered is not as per the oracle password

standard. You can read this warning. Click yes and move ahead.

Step 15: How to Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version

Install Weblogic On Windows

Prerequisite Checks – On this screen OUI (Oracle Universal Installer) will check for the prerequisites such as hardware compatibility. If everything goes well then we will be good to install it. If there is any error, then OUI will show you here. Fortunately, no errors!

Now hit Install. Doing so will start the installation. This installation might take some time depending on your hardware.

Don’t go anywhere, there is one more important step left in the installation. I don’t want to waste your time thus I will fast forward this process.

Here we are the last step where we will unlock the users. Click this password management button.

Now here in this password management window we have all the users which are by default locked. You can unlock any of them, for example – I want to unlock this user with name Anonymous. For that I will uncheck the box which is in front of its name and give it a valid password. Click OK now. Avoid this warning again as it’s reminding you that the password is not up to the oracle standards. Just hit yes and move ahead.

Install Weblogic 12c

Final Step:

Install Weblogic 12c On Windows Operating System

Just hit Yes and move ahead. We are back again on our DBCA windows. Here you can see all the important information regarding our oracle database such as Global database name, SID of our database, location of the parameter files and the link for our enterprise manager. I would suggest you to save this link somewhere.

Install Weblogic 12c On Windows 7

Click ok and this installation is successfully done. Click Close to close OUI.

How To Install Weblogic 12c On Windows

That’s all we have to do to install oracle database 12c on windows 10 professional 64 bit. (Also Read:Top 10 WordPress Security Plugins) ToIn this blog post, you will be guided through the steps to install oracle Database 12c on Windows 10 Professional. I have included images of the step by step tutorial to install oracle Database 12c. Steps to Install Oracle 12c on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Version Step 1: How to Install Oracle...DemonLyoidLopeslyoid_lopes@yahoo.comAdministratorHi there, I am Lyoid Lopes. Internet Marketer and Blog writer. I am Software Engineering Technology graduate from Centennial College Canada. In Techhowdy I publish new technology news every day. You can reach me Facebook, Twitter and Google +TechHowdy